Soul of the Arts is created in honor of the spirit of interdisciplinary artistic and academic exploration. It is a representation of artistic education, as well as the relationship of the individual artist to the whole of their artistic predecessors, contemporaries, backgrounds, studies and the history of human artistry. Sir Michael Edwards, Emeritus Professor of Collège de France, writes of the figure in this composition that, “As the soul of the arts, as in her other guises, she is concerned for the here and now, she is what gives imaginative and spiritual lift to the actual, to the world we inhabit, by revealing the possible. For she rises from rock and from vegetation (or from their repetition in bronze), the rock which forms the base of the sculpture and the foundation of the vision being itself open and seeming itself to rise, with angular and then spiraling movements. In a world waiting to be transformed into itself, art is the something that sleeps in nature and that, at the touch of the artist (sculptor, painter, photographer, poet), springs to life.”