The mid-flight figure of Mikhail Baryshnikov displays the dancer’s mastery of the human form: with poetic grace, harmony and agility, Baryshnikov expresses artistry through the movement of the human body. His dance, as depicted in this permanent bronze composition, is an upwardly-lifting movement: it implies that through the human body, which is common to us all, we may attain liberation of the spirit through form. It is a double arrested moment: the drapery serves both an aesthetic and structural purpose that holds up the dancer in the apex of a leaping arc, arrested in time, and this dynamic moment is arrested in the permanent medium of bronze. Editions of Baryshnikov are permanently placed at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, La Schola Cantorum of Paris, France, Orto Botanico Comunale di Lucca in Lucca, Italy, and Brookgreen Gardens, Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.